About Me
Hello. I’m Neta Gordon. I’m a Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at Brock University, in St. Catharines, Ontario (here’s a link to my faculty webpage: https://brocku.ca/humanities/english-language-and-literature/faculty/neta-gordon/).
My scholarly interest in the work of Ann-Marie MacDonald started during my years as a graduate student and – in both intellectual and material ways – engendered my life as an academic. (If you’re interested, I tell a version of the material story in this podcast: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-qswhp-1341121, starting at about the 33 minute mark.)
I’ve published various articles and encyclopedia entries on her work, which are included in the AMM Bibliography database, and am currently working on a project called “Mapping Ann-Marie MacDonald,” with Dr. Aaron Mauro (Brock, Digital Humanities), Ebru Ustundag (Brock, Geography), Tim Ribaric (Brock, Digital Scholarship Lab), and AMM herself.